Wednesday, March 23, 2005


My world is a myriad of colors. Of red roses, apples, blood. Of blue sky, ocean, blue birds. Of brown earth, soil, trunk of trees. Of green leaves, grass, “GO” signal of the traffic light. Of yellow sun, corn, mangoes, pad paper. Of orange fruit & juice, Archie’s hair. Of pink flowers and fences all over the Metro, and so on and so forth. My eyes see and appreciate them all but only one stands out: PURPLE!

I can’t remember when it all started. All I know is I’m fixated with anything purplish. House, cars, food, fruits, juice, pens, notebooks, books, hair clips, dress, undergarments (yes!!), anything! However, my stuff is not all purple. I’m not overtly obsessed with it. Nevertheless, an appreciative “ooh” and “ah” accompanies my wide-eyed amazement when I behold this majestic beauty.

Touted as the most famous and most expensive dye of ancient times, the Tyrian purple was obtained from a small sac in the body of a snail-like marine mollusk – Murex Brandaris. To produce 1 lb. of this dyestuff, 3.8 million dye sacs of this mollusk are needed. No wonder only the royalty and very wealthy can afford this luxury. Poor mollusks, though.

In modern times, its connotation with royalty got stuck. Garments worn of this color signify regal rank, power or authority, as in a purple robe. Maybe that is why I am fascinated with this color. I am royalty!

I am a daughter of God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords. How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! We are all princes and princesses, heirs and co-heirs with Christ by faith. Not only that:

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light (1Peter 2:9).

I belong to God and until I claim my rightful place in heaven with Him, I remain here in this colorful world called Earth. If I can have it my way, I would want my world purplish. Everything painted in various hues of purple. Oh, what a wonderful world it would be! And wouldn’t it be a sight to behold?

But God made the world as it is, with all the other beautiful colors, because not everyone is as purplish as I am. God likes diversity and so do I. I do like other colors but not as much as I adore purple. Now, if only the fences all over Metro Manila’s roads were purple, purplish commuters, like me, will be much happier!

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