Let me introduce you to two of my joys in life. Emari, 1year and 5months, and Sean, almost 6 months.
I marvel at how much these babies changed my brothers from boys to men. It's true that once you're a father, everything changes in and around you. Your priorities in life are now directed to what your little bundle of joy needs and wants and not your own. You'll learn the word 'sacrifice' and its application at greater depths. You begin to dream, not only of your future, but of your child's as well. For the first time, it's about another person and not about you.
I never really figured that children will make a man out of my brothers. They seemed to be happy-go-lucky kind of guys with no care about the future. They lived for the day and what momentary pleasure it brings them. They lived only for themselves. But I saw these angels change that.
Kuya Raycel, for example, is a very hands-on dad. He takes care of Em-em really well. He's a very patient guy but it was stretched even further with the birth of his baby. I don't know how much he went through taking care of Em-em but I know for a fact that Em-em loves him very much. She wails when he leaves her, looks for him constantly and only sleeps when her dad is beside her.
What amuses me most is how my Kuya calls her: Bebeco (baby ko). And if Em-em is playing outside, her dad will just imitate how Daffy Duck talks and she knows she needs to go home already: her dad is calling her.
Albert, on the other hand, is a typical dad. Very sweet and loving but not very hands on like Kuya. He leaves the dirty stuff to the women. But Kuya would gladly change diapers if need be. But I know and see that Abet's a changed man himself because of Biboy (Sean).
This got me to thinking about my father. Papa is not very showy of his emotions. Mama told me once that he told her that even if he doesn't show it, he loves us very much. I know that even if he doesn't say it often.
Papa shows his affection by providing for our needs. That for him, is how to show love. He's not into hugging and kissing, though he sometimes does that. Sometimes, he's a bit aloof, lost in his thoughts.
But he is a brilliant man who values education so much. I remember that as a child, we used to have this game. We’d stand at the end of the room and papa would ask us questions and if the answer is right, then me move one step forward until we reach him. The reward was usually ice cream or a weekend spent at Luneta. And another game in which we used to recite the multiplication table in front of him. He gets irritated when we don’t know it. For him it’s important. But I cheated those times I stood in front of him reciting and until now, I can’t recite it without using the aid of my fingers.
He doesn’t believe in punishment not unless you really deserve it. My one memory of my father punishing any of us really hard was that one instant when Kuya went home late and didn’t ask permission. It worried everyone at home so we all went out to look for him. When he was found, dos-por-dos ang katapat. And I know he did it half-heartedly.
I could go on and on about him but time and space won’t be enough to express my gratitude to this man. The hard times changed him a bit. He’s older, a bit wiser, worry too much, but he’s still the same father, who cares and loves us deeply.
Papi! I know I don’t tell you this often, but I want you to know I love you very much! Thank you for everything! You are such a blessing from God. Happy Father's Day!
And to all fathers out there, HAPPY FATHER's DAY!
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