Friday, June 17, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

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I’ve adored Brad Pitt since..I don’t actually remember. But I’m a fan. Other than Meet Joe Black (I slept in the middle of the movie. I can’t believe it myself! But they say it’s a great movie, I just can’t figure out why), I enjoy watching him on the big screen.

But this recent movie is a bit disappointing. Don’t get me wrong. I mean, the couple is a good-looking one. They both play their part excellently. I think they are really the best choice for the movie and no one could have played the part plausibly as they did. Nice effects, nice dialogues, nice everything. But when I sat back and looked at the bigger picture, it wasn’t nice at all.

Ang labo ko ‘no? But I sure felt that way. The characters were given little time to develop and grow. I think more time was spent on their ‘fighting’ rather than on character development. This is after all an action film. I couldn’t even comprehend how they finally got to a truce. One instant they were trying to kill each other, destroying their house, and the next they’re in each other’s arms.

Maybe it’s love. But even that is questionable. I mean, how can a confessed cold-blooded assassin profess to love someone that deeply yet have the desire to kill because of money? Mr. Smith even asked Mrs. if she can sleep after killing and without batting an eyelash, Mrs. answered yes. Wow! Quite confusing really. How can you sleep peacefully knowing that’s how cold-blooded your spouse is?

If the thrust of the movie is how one couple saved their marriage despite the reality that they almost killed each other, I don’t buy that. How can you trust the other person after that? And I believe trust and honesty are foundations of a strong marriage.

Maybe, they did realize some things. And those things are left to the imagination of the viewers. You can interpret it however you want. Resolving an argument by taking out a pistol and aiming at your spouse? Who will surrender first? Sex? Same passion (killing another person!)? Money?

This has all the trappings of a ‘good movie,’ great actors, effects, etc. But in the end, it was one bad movie after all.

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