Sunday, June 19, 2005

Boys 2 Men

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Let me introduce you to two of my joys in life. Emari, 1year and 5months, and Sean, almost 6 months.

I marvel at how much these babies changed my brothers from boys to men. It's true that once you're a father, everything changes in and around you. Your priorities in life are now directed to what your little bundle of joy needs and wants and not your own. You'll learn the word 'sacrifice' and its application at greater depths. You begin to dream, not only of your future, but of your child's as well. For the first time, it's about another person and not about you.

I never really figured that children will make a man out of my brothers. They seemed to be happy-go-lucky kind of guys with no care about the future. They lived for the day and what momentary pleasure it brings them. They lived only for themselves. But I saw these angels change that.

Kuya Raycel, for example, is a very hands-on dad. He takes care of Em-em really well. He's a very patient guy but it was stretched even further with the birth of his baby. I don't know how much he went through taking care of Em-em but I know for a fact that Em-em loves him very much. She wails when he leaves her, looks for him constantly and only sleeps when her dad is beside her.

What amuses me most is how my Kuya calls her: Bebeco (baby ko). And if Em-em is playing outside, her dad will just imitate how Daffy Duck talks and she knows she needs to go home already: her dad is calling her.

Albert, on the other hand, is a typical dad. Very sweet and loving but not very hands on like Kuya. He leaves the dirty stuff to the women. But Kuya would gladly change diapers if need be. But I know and see that Abet's a changed man himself because of Biboy (Sean).

This got me to thinking about my father. Papa is not very showy of his emotions. Mama told me once that he told her that even if he doesn't show it, he loves us very much. I know that even if he doesn't say it often.

Papa shows his affection by providing for our needs. That for him, is how to show love. He's not into hugging and kissing, though he sometimes does that. Sometimes, he's a bit aloof, lost in his thoughts.

But he is a brilliant man who values education so much. I remember that as a child, we used to have this game. We’d stand at the end of the room and papa would ask us questions and if the answer is right, then me move one step forward until we reach him. The reward was usually ice cream or a weekend spent at Luneta. And another game in which we used to recite the multiplication table in front of him. He gets irritated when we don’t know it. For him it’s important. But I cheated those times I stood in front of him reciting and until now, I can’t recite it without using the aid of my fingers.

He doesn’t believe in punishment not unless you really deserve it. My one memory of my father punishing any of us really hard was that one instant when Kuya went home late and didn’t ask permission. It worried everyone at home so we all went out to look for him. When he was found, dos-por-dos ang katapat. And I know he did it half-heartedly.

I could go on and on about him but time and space won’t be enough to express my gratitude to this man. The hard times changed him a bit. He’s older, a bit wiser, worry too much, but he’s still the same father, who cares and loves us deeply.

Papi! I know I don’t tell you this often, but I want you to know I love you very much! Thank you for everything! You are such a blessing from God. Happy Father's Day!

And to all fathers out there, HAPPY FATHER's DAY!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

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I’ve adored Brad Pitt since..I don’t actually remember. But I’m a fan. Other than Meet Joe Black (I slept in the middle of the movie. I can’t believe it myself! But they say it’s a great movie, I just can’t figure out why), I enjoy watching him on the big screen.

But this recent movie is a bit disappointing. Don’t get me wrong. I mean, the couple is a good-looking one. They both play their part excellently. I think they are really the best choice for the movie and no one could have played the part plausibly as they did. Nice effects, nice dialogues, nice everything. But when I sat back and looked at the bigger picture, it wasn’t nice at all.

Ang labo ko ‘no? But I sure felt that way. The characters were given little time to develop and grow. I think more time was spent on their ‘fighting’ rather than on character development. This is after all an action film. I couldn’t even comprehend how they finally got to a truce. One instant they were trying to kill each other, destroying their house, and the next they’re in each other’s arms.

Maybe it’s love. But even that is questionable. I mean, how can a confessed cold-blooded assassin profess to love someone that deeply yet have the desire to kill because of money? Mr. Smith even asked Mrs. if she can sleep after killing and without batting an eyelash, Mrs. answered yes. Wow! Quite confusing really. How can you sleep peacefully knowing that’s how cold-blooded your spouse is?

If the thrust of the movie is how one couple saved their marriage despite the reality that they almost killed each other, I don’t buy that. How can you trust the other person after that? And I believe trust and honesty are foundations of a strong marriage.

Maybe, they did realize some things. And those things are left to the imagination of the viewers. You can interpret it however you want. Resolving an argument by taking out a pistol and aiming at your spouse? Who will surrender first? Sex? Same passion (killing another person!)? Money?

This has all the trappings of a ‘good movie,’ great actors, effects, etc. But in the end, it was one bad movie after all.


1 Thessalonians 5:16 - Be joyful always.

This verse gripped my heart as Ate Sandra shared this at our leadership meeting. She's a missionary to one of God's Creative Access Nations (I love that term!), with her husband and kids, and has been serving that nation for...10 years? Hehe! Not really, but sometimes it feels that long especially when you’re far away from home.

Anyway, we talked about how we can be a blessing to others. And this was one of the three keys she shared with us - Be joyful always.

'Joy is the secret to real evangelism, for joyful Christians are compelling advertisement for the gospel.'

This is not only joy on the inside but on the outside as well. Something that can be seen and not only felt. The best expression is smiling. And Ate Sandra went at great lengths explaining its importance.

People are naturally drawn to happy individuals. Of course! Why would you want to be with unhappy ones? Unless you are that miserable! And even so, you would still want to be with the cheerful ones to brighten your mood. There’s something about a happy face you can’t quite dispel.

Part of the appeal of the gospel is our attitude towards it. We have the truth, the good news, and we ought to communicate it that way – GOOD NEWS. More than the words we speak, the way we live our life is our best strategy to share what God has done in and through our life and what God can possibly do in and through the life of another. The people we reach out to must know, see and feel that change. Otherwise, they will think twice about putting their faith in God. They must be fully convinced before they take that leap of faith. And what would convince them is the evidence of a changed life.

According to Ate Sandra, the missionaries who come to their nation are required to SMILE. The locals are beset with so much misery they don’t need foreigners adding up to it, missionaries at that. The people who are supposed to give them hope, etc. You’ll never know what that simple gesture might accomplish in another person’s life. You just have to step out in faith, let God do the work, and SMILE!

I’ve known this truth for a long time but something in the way she said these caught my attention and made me evaluate my life that very instant. And one thought entered my mind: MATARAY!

I’ve confessed that of myself many times. I even wrote it at my friendster profile. I don’t deny it and sometimes I really am. But most of the time, hindi naman. I asked one friend why he thought I’m mataray and he told me it’s because of the way I stare. Nakakatakot daw. I don’t know. I’m just like that. I know I’m observant and I do study details and not just look. So maybe, when I stare, people get uncomfortable because I probe deeper than what the eye sees.

I’ve known people who tell me they’d think twice about approaching me. Why?! Nakakatakot nga daw ako. Sigh. But when they get to know me, that first impression doesn’t last very long.

But I don’t want it to be like that. I want that when people look at me the very first time, they’d feel comfortable approaching me, they will be attracted to Jesus because of what they see in me and they’d say “I want to be like her and be used for the glory of God too!” I’m sure glad people’s perception of me changes when they get to know me but oftentimes I am not given that opportunity – to get to know another person deeply. And so I’m left to wonder what kind of impression I made without the comfort of having to turn that impression the other way around. Sigh.

The other part of what Ate Sandra shared dealt with passion. She shared that what the world needs are people who come alive. Have you asked yourself what is that one thing that makes you come alive? What are you passionate about?

Answers to these questions vary. But it’s comforting to know that God created variety. It makes the world more colorful and interesting though it’s always a delight to find people who share your passion.

If you’ve found that very thing that makes you come alive, whatever that is, pursue it with all your might. That is what God has called you to do, what He has destined for you. Whatever that is and wherever you may be, pursuing it will definitely fill you with joy and make you come alive!

Some people I’m privileged to know certainly burst with life. Not only because they are extroverts, but because there really is LIFE in them. A life given by and lived for God. They are always cheerful, joyful, happy – however you may want to describe a positive mood, because they have every reason to be. Whatever their circumstance may be, that smile is forever painted on their lips. When I think about this kind of people, I can think of one man, the ultimate smiler-man:

And those of you who know him need not ask why. It’s the face that can launch a thousand laughs. Hehe!

Finally, let’s not use our personality (intro- or extrovert) to not be a blessing to others. What does a smile cost you? Nothing. But it could give you more than you can ever imagine.